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Dawn of Light
Some years ago, I wrote this during a vision On August 23,
I was excited to later discover the following in the Bible :
Consider the passage in the book of Revelation (21:23)
describing the city of New Jerusalem:
And the city has no need of the Sun or of the moon to shine upon
it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
When you read the following, it sounds kind of far out, but I only
wrote what was given to me. To me, the special beauty of it is the
ending - the arrows that pierce our knowing has given wings to us
Yes, at the end of our age, many strange, unusual and trying
events will occur, but the beauty of it all is that God will flood His
new Heaven with all the Light of His existence that has sustained
all things from the beginning, and it will give wings to us all.
Just think, YOU will be part of this new creation. Praise God for
His eternal Love.
I looked upon the end of humanity as we now know it, and witnessed
Hear the whisper through the silence as it pours through your soul
It seeks the crevices untouched by your heartbeat
From within, you pour your light into the doom that fills your
consciousness, with the knowledge you are bound
Bound for eternity to sail and endless sea. To seek an elusive port
We are no longer one within ourselves, for we have that part from the
shame of the nightmare that transpires within us
Can we break free ? But what is Freedom ? Can we any longer
assume there is freedom, for tyranny reigns in desperation
Our counsel looks upon us in dissension, for we have betrayed that
which longs within.
Pour your heart out, Drowning the crevices unseen, before the view is
withdraw, and the mask fills the twilight.
Gray as smoke and crimson as flame are the pursuits we have sought
The majesty and glory that was, will soon come to quench the thirst
until the 11
The striving will array in the colors of the rainbow to mask the dawn
of light,
but in the midst the silence will break through.
The sun will burn blue to tread the path. The clouds will avail their
darkness upon the sea
But What ? No matter, the shame will end. For it is written.
Civilizations pass bye, but elude us in fury
The thread is golden and spins its way to eternity
We are now free and able to see, for now there is no more. But now
in knowing there is all
Can we now be true ? No need, for now there is no room for anything
but light.
The arrows that pierce our knowing have given wings to us all.
Written by Bill Mauldin
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