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At first appearance, you would think he was a homeless person, possibly a beggar. He was an older black man, his beard was short but unkempt. He wore an old tattered, floppy brown hat. He had an almost infectious smile that revealed his snaggled teeth. Being 16, I suppose he was the first person I met that the cliché “don’t judge a book by its cover” truly applied. Even though his clothes were old, and had several holes he had sown up, it was obvious that he took pride in his attempt to dress as well as he was able. Everywhere he went, he had a childlike skip. I never saw him without a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes that seemed to warm everything around him. I watched him several days. He carried the air of a child, with a reluctance to speak, which in those days was completely understandable. I was the white son of the boss. I was young and shy, but found myself attracted to his energy and demeanor. I must admit, I was a little fascinated by his attitude. To most people, he had little to be happy about and yet his energy and happiness seemed to be like a river that never slowed. After a week or so of exchanging hellos, work had slowed and I asked him how he was doing. He said he was doing great. That the Holy Ghost kept him that way. Then he asked if I knew the Holy Ghost. I wasn’t sure how to reply, so when I didn’t, he boldly began to tell me about Jesus, how I could believe in Him, how I could be forgiven for my sins just by asking, how I would be given the Holy Spirit if I asked and was baptised. How I would be saved. Soon I went back to work, unsure of all he was telling me, but the river of energy that he revealed left me amazed. How could this old black man, with nothing at all, probably struggling to survive have a perpetual happiness and exuberance for life that to the best of my knowledge, I have never seen again. Since that time, I have also come to know what is really important, and to some extent his life has continued to live on, as God showers us with gifts, which include tiny pieces of Him that have been returned through the lives of others. This old black man will always remain towering above many others. He simply went by the name REV.
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