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Life’s Stream
There was once a beautiful mountain stream whose water
glistened in the light. It lay comfortably between two stone
walls that flowed from the bottom of two high rocky hills.
The stone walls had beautiful green ferns growing from
the craggy openings between the rocks.
In the stream below, there was a maze of pretty rocks.
Many different colors, all washed very smooth by the
rushing water as though they were polished by a jeweler.
While looking closely in the water, and feeling the
peacefulness, I noticed a glistening of something in the
bottom of the stream. I took a glass and plunged it into the
water, pulling it back quickly. I held it up to the sun and, as
I stared through the glass I saw something moving, it
appeared transparent. I thought, what is this? Then I
heard this faint noise, almost a whisper. I carried the glass
away from the rustling water, and the voice, though faint,
was now perceptible. I said “what are you?” I hardly
expected a reply, so you can imagine my surprise when I
heard the tiny voice that said “I'm a Clingin” I said “Where
did you come from?” He replied “I have been here as far
back as I can remember” I said “You've never moved from
here?” He replied “Of course not, If I were to let go, I
would surely be smashed on the rocks” I said “Are you
telling me that you will stay right where you are until the
end?” He replied “Of course” I said “Are you happy here?”
He said “I don't really know about happiness, I like laying
here in the Sun and have what I need to exist. I have
wondered if there was more, but the fear inside me would
never let me leave” I said “What if I told you that there is
really nothing to fear” He said “Are you crazy? I would
surely die, ask any Clingin, we never turn loose.”
I replied, “I can understand your fear, we humans often
hold on to what we dislike, for fear of change, and
although we fear it, and dislike it, we hold onto it. Why?
Because it’s predictable, but I can promise you this, if you
let go you will not die” The Clingin replied “How can you
say that?” I said “The stream delights to lift you up, to
carry you to the top, to cover you with the full warmth of
the Sun, to carry you to new and majestic places where
you can learn of happiness,
You only have to believe and it will be so” He replied
“I must think about it more, maybe I will lose some of my
fear if I think about it tonight.” I returned the Clingin to his
That night, as the Moon cast its glow upon the water, and
it slowed to a peaceful flow, the Clingin thought, I'm really
tired of just existing. Maybe it is OK to let go. Everything is
peaceful now.
For a minute the Clingin relaxed his grip, in an instant he
was swept into the running water, suddenly an incredible
fear engulfed his mind. He closed his eyes, knowing he
could do nothing. Minutes later he realized he had not
been smashed. He was free, free to find his place where
ever it might be, no longer fearing the unknown.
As the Clingin came to rest at the side of the stream, for
the first time, he felt happiness. He thought, for so long I
dreamed of a life that in my mind was magical, and yet I
found an equal fear that if it came about, I would fear it’s
loss. Now that so much has come true, I have no fear now
because I realize my happiness is simply, My Choice.
You may feel trapped like the Clingin.
If so, simply let go.
The Stream is from the beginning of this world, It is the
energy of light, the energy of love, God’s energy, and
although you may not realize it, you are a part of it, and it
is part of you.
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The following story is a parable, written to call to mind
the excitement that a simple change of direction can
yield in someones life