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Set Your Path

Q & A - Pg. 5
Page 4
Until now, I have been discussing things you can do to change your life for the better by changing your attitude, your actions and reactions to situations, which can greatly effect your health and well being. It would be impossible to have a life filled with all the good things you want if your mind was clouded with anger, resentment, anxiety, hatred, bitterness, frustration, negativity, which is the purpose for the previous steps explained to rid yourself of these things. Although you, on your own can make tremendous strides in your life if you work the steps previously discussed, but you need to gain an understanding of the overall scope of life and life’s energy. So far, I have only been discussing the physical realm in which our bodies dwell, however our entire world is energy. Throughout our universe, there is a river of Life that flows through and sustains all things. This energy is Gods energy, spiritual energy. We are always connected to it, and we have the ability to be completely filled with it. It is your choice. He gave you FREE WILL. He will assist you in having a wonderful life. Notice I said assist ? That is why I started this discussion by showing you things you could do to improve your life, mainly through changing YOUR mind. God WILL change you and your life, but He won’t take responsibility for it. It requires some effort on your part, however, even faith the size of a mustard seed can cause miraculous changes. Although you may make some changes that greatly benefit your life, true happiness begins when you include God in your daily life. While it is true that Gods energy, which is essentially spiritual in nature, is part of everyone’s life. It is possible to go through this life without ever having a real relationship with God. He wants everyone to be part of His Family, He does not force it on us. He waits with open arms to bring us into His Light and Love. If we never have a close relationship with God, it is OUR eternal loss. Knowing that Man’s heart is not spiritual in nature, and seldom chooses Gods way, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, in the physical to set a perfect example for the world, and ultimately giving His life as the eternal sacrifice for all mankind. Through the Blood of Jesus, repentance, and acceptance of Him, we are forgiven of our sins. We must, through Gods Holy Spirit, come to believe that Jesus lived for us, died for us, and rose again. We must honestly look at ourself, our life and see our sin. ALL people have sinned. We must then Repent of our sin, which is to truly make a decision within ourselves to turn away from sin, ask God for forgiveness, ask God to come into our life and accept His gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit. We will become part of his family and shall have eternal life. Although not widely preached, this gift of God is not dependent on your works, but is part of Gods grace. If we genuinely Repent, and ask God to come into our hearts and reveal His Spirit to us, his spirit will come into us, and he will show us the way. God is building his eternal family to be part of His Coming Kingdom that He will establish on this earth, and many are being called by Gods spirit to be part of it. The Bible says that upon belief, repentance and acceptance of God, that we should have a Baptism by immersion. It also tells us that if we want to keep a relationship with God we should keep His *Commandments. If we truly love Him, we will want to. While on this earth, God wants man to have a wonderful life, not just an endurance. He gives us power to endure, overcome problems and flourish. God does not carry us through life, but is always there for us, and gives us the tools to have the life we desire. God wants us to have the truly happy and fulfilled life we can have by a relationship with Him. He is the rock, never changing, always there for you. *Commandments - Although there are 10 Commandments, Jesus said there are essentially two for man to follow. Love God above all things, and love your fellow man as much as you love yourself. Of course these two encompass the ten.