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Making Your Dreams a Reality

Step 2 Next - Meditate - Pg. 3
The truth is that every day of our life, every day we wake up, we are at a CROSSROAD. We make a choice both consciously, and subconsciously as to how we view our today, as well as the path we choose. Our conscious decisions spring from how we subconsciously handle our life. What controls your happiness? YOU YOUR MIND. YOUR FREE WILL. When you awake, the first thing that happens is your mind starts to have thoughts. What kind of thoughts are they? Good, Bad, Happy, Angry? These thoughts do not usually begin consciously. They usually flow from the programming you have in your subconscious mind. Do you know the difference between waking up and feeling happiness or feeling anger? It is only waking to the choice of happiness over anger, that simple, but you must re-program your subconscious to desire the same things that your conscious mind desires, otherwise they will be at perpetual war, and your life will always be in turmoil. It is within our ability to change ALL that is in our path. The following steps are building blocks to your future. You do not have to complete all of them at one time to start improving your life. By following these simple steps, you will take control of your life, happiness, destiny: 1) Wipe your past 2) Meditate 3) Set Your Path Let’s explore these steps

1) Wipe your Past

If there is one single thing that all humans have the biggest problem with, it is putting the past in the past. It is the single biggest stumbling block to realizing life's full potential. We tend to use the past as our measuring stick to gauge the future, which means that no matter how hard we look to the future, we are always connected to our past. Usually, our subconscious will use the negative parts of our past as a gauge, which drags us down. I discovered how to STOP this destructive pattern. To overcome all that is in our past. It is so simple. It is also simple to accomplish, and when you do, your life will never be the same. Create a Library. Initially, it should be a physical library of all things in your life. Eventually you may choose for it to be all mental, but only after you have learned to manage your Library. Until that time, it will be more difficult to keep things in proper perspective. This Library should include books about your husband(s), wife, or wives, girlfriend(s), your job(s), ambitions, dreams, happy times, best memories, vacations, etc. The number of books can be few or many. As many as you need to create YOUR Library. You may start with only a few, and add them as the thoughts or situations come up in your life. Always keep them separate, otherwise you will get them balled up together and find it hard to separate in your mind. Initially, it will help to get a sectioned notebook and write the highlights in various sections. Later you can get more specific. The important thing is to develop a method that lets you SEPARATE each thing mentally. Otherwise, you will not keep a clear perspective on your overall situation. After you have put them in their respective books, you will be ready to put them where they belong. On the bookshelf. If you physically write the books, it is simple. If you mentally created your books, you can also create a mental bookshelf. One important note. This Library is yours, not for others to view, so you should put them in a secure place. A file box with a lock is great. The next thing you need to learn and accept is that your life now is SEPARATE from ALL that is in your Library, and you are now FREE of all that is in your Library. Anytime you have a memorable good thing happen, take the appropriate book off the shelf, and add to the good experiences. When you have something that angers you, take the book off the shelf, add it to the book, then immediately put it back in the shelf. It has NO place in your life unless YOU choose it. If your life is full of garbage, it’s because YOU choose to allow it. You can just as easily choose for it to be on the shelf and not contaminate the good in your life. ALWAYS, envision taking the book out of the bookshelf and envision putting it back. It is necessary to gain mental discipline so you will keep things in proper order. You may, occasionally, choose to take a book of bad experiences down from the shelf, only when you are alone and have time to yourself. In this time, you may reflect on what it WAS, then put it away, knowing that it is no longer part of your life, and never can be again, unless YOU choose it to be. When you create your books, you will probably have some person or persons to which you feel anger, resentment, or other negative feeling. In the book for that person, you should write down how you feel, then you should put it in its proper place. On the shelf. Now it no longer has a place in your everyday life. I emphasize this because these emotions are extremely strong and damaging to YOUR life and health. The other person seldom cares about your pain as it usually doesn’t hurt them. It is my hope for you, by learning to not be plagued with the pain, as you must learn to forgive that person. To forgive does not mean you must forget, but you can learn to keep any pain in your Library, where it belongs. It can no longer hurt you unless YOU allow it. Choosing to forgive will allow complete healing from the pain. You can, and will, learn to properly handle ALL situations that arise if you STOP your immediate reaction to situations, mentally take a step back, and see it for what it is. If it is something that upsets you, file it away in your Library until you have time later in the day to address it. Without history, we often repeat our mistakes.
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