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Step 3 Next - Set Your Path - Pg. 4
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The concept of meditation is many things to many people. You can search the Internet and look on YouTube and find many different methods and concepts. It is not complicated, and should not be made so. There are several reasons that meditation is very important. Meditation cleanses your mind, and gets rid of the negative energy that is damaging to your physical, as well as giving you a proper perspective of your life. It can be a beneficial way to change the way you see yourself, especially if you have a poor image of yourself. It can give you a renewed perspective of your life and relationships. Many people think it is something that takes a lot of time, but that is not correct. When you have gotten it down, you will find that it only takes minutes to accomplish the desired effect. You need to learn to relax, to empty your mind, to feel your inner self, to dispel all the negativity inside. As you become proficient at meditation you will find yourself completely renewed. In a relatively short time, you will discover it takes minutes for you to feel better than if you had just gotten a good night’s sleep. You must begin by putting all things away. This is YOUR time. No cell phones, TV, kids, dogs, neighbors, etc. This is YOUR time. It must be yours and yours alone. It is not being selfish, because you need it and will be better for it. Better for yourself as well as for others. Sit in a comfortable place in comfortable clothing, with your arms at your side. Envision all the things of your day, thoughts, upsets, worries, etc. gradually flowing out of your body, through your arms and out your hands. Relax, and breathe regularly. Eventually you may increase the depth of breathing, but only to the point that it is gradual and feels normally comfortable. At this time, the exact technique is not that important. At this time, please read pg.11, Life’s Stream. When you feel that the energy of the day has dissipated. Relax for a few minutes, and as you relax imagine the beautiful shimmering stream where the Clingins live (Read Life’s Stream page 11). See the Full Moon above, just as the one little Clingin, when he felt safe, when he realized it was alright to let go and flow with the beautiful stream. Let the stream take you with it. Remember, it delights to lift you up. Feel the stream. The stream is Love. As you begin to feel the love, you gradually allow it to take you over, fill you up and renew you. Take all the feelings of hurt, pain, inadequacy and put them in a bubble. Now burst the bubble and it completely disappears. It takes away all the negative feelings inside you, leaving only Love and Light. Soak it up, and be renewed. The Love is yours, accept it. Realize that you are truly loved. Practice this for several weeks. You will find that the more you do it, the easier it will get, and the better you will feel. It will soon become part of you, and will only take minutes to be renewed. Soon you will find that when a situation arises that would normally anger you, you can quickly meditate, get rid of the bad energy, and stop the emotional highs and lows. When you grasp control of your emotions, put them in your book to deal with at a comfortable time.When you regularly practice meditation, you will change your thinking to process things properly, and change the way you react to situations. Your life will dramatically improve. If you find that you are having trouble being comfortable when beginning meditation, you might go to the following youtube address for this wonderful meditation with sound. (click on iYouTube link)
Do you want your life to be EVERYTHING you have dreamed of ? Then let’s make it so ! So far you’ve been working on getting rid of the garbage of the past, and learning to better manage your thoughts. NOW is the time to put the icing on the cake. Until now, your life has been controlled by your subconscious thoughts and programming established by your past experiences, even though your conscious mind had other thoughts, dreams, desires. It’s like learning to drive a car. When you first begin, you are caught up in the emotions and experiences neccessary, but before long you get into the car and drive with little thought of driving. This is because your subconscious mind has been programmed by conscious repetition. Your life can be changed to the way you want it to be. You MUST envision the way you want it to be and when you Meditate, simply envision yourself completely in this situation. DO NOT think of it as something that WILL be, instead think of yourself as already being a part of it. After enough repetitive of seeing yourself IN this situation, your subconscious mind will also start seeing it, and the programming will bring about the changes you desire.